When do you know you found a job made just for you? That’s the feeling Cory Taylor had when he caught wind of an opening for our Lead Talent Attraction Military position. By that point, he already had nearly a decade of AT&T experience under his belt after successfully transitioning from military service to a civilian career.

What does it mean to be a military recruiter, and what makes this position a valuable resource for veterans looking to start their careers? When asked how he’d explain his job to a family member, Cory broke it down to the fundamentals.

“When people hear ‘recruiting,’ they often think of hiring and interviewing candidates. For me, it’s more about improving our strategies in discovering military and diversity talent for AT&T. I collaborate with new and existing partners to support data-driven decision making. This data tells us where we need to be and what stories to share.”

This mission goes beyond our teams at AT&T. Cory’s drive goes back to one of AT&T’s core pillars, “Win as One,” emphasizing that knowledge and resource sharing can help provide a path for all military veterans searching for a successful career.

Rocking the Boat

In the military, it can be difficult to change your Military Operations Specialty (MOS) if you’re looking for a career change. That’s one perception Cory wants to help change for veteran recruits. At AT&T not only is exploring career opportunities and reaching out to different levels of leadership allowed, it’s encouraged for those who want to build a successful career.

“One blind spot in hiring veteran talent is recruiting and retaining the seasoned veterans. I think we can increase the awareness of the opportunities available to you and the exposure you have for them. You don’t have to stay in one job for two, ten, or twenty years. You can move throughout the company and develop different skills. There are many internal tools, resources, and training to help develop your skillset for the next role.”

From leading our dedicated first responder network to discovering a fulfilling marketing career, few veterans have what could be considered a “straightforward” career path. Even Cory, who started his #LifeAtATT in a Louisiana retail store, moved across different organizations (and the country) before landing in the role he has today.

“Seasoned veterans can find a position in a company and think, ‘Okay, I have to stay in this role,’ but we have opportunities within AT&T to reinvent and evolve! That’s a great message and one I don’t think many candidates are aware of.”

Evolving Veteran Perceptions

As someone who works with veteran job hunters and comes from a military background, Cory recognizes that the typical idea of a “veteran” often doesn’t match reality. From looks to skills to history – civilians are often surprised to see how broad the term is.

“There are many faces and colors of a military veteran, we don’t fit into one box or category. We should focus on the veteran’s skillset, translatable experience and the ability to be agile without losing sight of other issues. Thank veterans for their service, be understanding and always be empathetic versus sympathetic.”

From their military branch, rank, and individual experience, every veteran has a different story. Cory keeps an open-door policy to show candidates – no matter where they are in the job hunt – the soft skills that can be translated to any position such as managing projects or leading a team.

“Translate those skills to your career and remember to always bring your authentic self. I’ve always been a huge ambassador for #LifeAtATT because it’s a great place to work. They accepted me for all my different colors and my true authentic self as a diverse veteran and member of the LGBTQ+ community. Message me on LinkedIn, my Instagram, Twitter – it doesn’t matter. I’m an open book you can reach out to if you want to learn more about the company.”

Learn more about Veterans at AT&T